Introduction to Tarot Reading Digital Course

Introduction to Tarot Reading Digital Course


Basic Overview of the Tarot Cards and Tarot Reading - In this course, you will bless your deck, do an invocation to your Spirit Guides, and set your intention for the course. You will learn about the 78 cards in the Tarot deck, what are the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, and what the Court Cards are. You will learn the 4 Suits of the Tarot and their essence - The Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles. You will also learn Numerology that is infused within the Tarot Deck, although it is steeped in Mysticism, it will become more hands-on for you. I also share more personally about who I am, how I discovered the Tarot in my life, and how I have evolved into giving Psychological Tarot Readings that involve energy healing, Intuitive knowing and offer some tools to raise the vibration.
60 minutes

You will need your chosen Tarot Deck and a journal. Includes a 30 minute phone call to answers questions, etc. This is Part One of the 3-part series.

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